At WellTheory, we collaborate with a select network of independent third-party labs for diagnostics. All of these labs are CLIA certified, CAP accredited, and/or benefit from physician authorization, ensuring a level of precision that aligns with medical institutional standards. Each participating lab is subjected to regular quality assurance checks to consistently deliver the highest standards in testing.

Your testing kits are conveniently delivered right to your doorstep, complete with user-friendly guidelines to aid you in the sample collection process.

Autoimmune Care That's One-Size-Fits-You

Through personalized care plans, 100% of our members have experienced symptom relief in 12 weeks.
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What’s included:
1:1 video sessions twice a month and unlimited messaging with your Care Team
Personalized 360º care plan and ongoing accountability
Invitation to expert-led masterclasses, office hours, and a supportive autoimmune community
Access to advanced testing, discounted supplements & products, and member perks

What you can look forward to as a WellTheory member

Ongoing Expert Support
Your Care Team of autoimmune experts—led by a registered dietitian—is here to provide continuous care through regular video calls and unlimited messaging.
Dedicated, Personalized Care
Together, we’ll uncover the root causes contributing to your symptoms and create a whole-body plan to address your nutritional and lifestyle needs.
Evidence-Based, Holistic Approach
Learn simple, evidence-based habits around nutrition, sleep, stress, movement and connection to self, others and nature to reduce your symptoms.
Community Support
You’re not alone on your autoimmunity journey. Join an intimate community of others who are living and learning alongside you.

Autoimmune Symptoms We Help You Alleviate

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Often the result of long-term inflammation and depletion of nutrients, fatigue can be addressed by increasing your intake of protein and vegetables and creating a bedtime routine that supports a higher quality of sleep.
Find Your Root Cause

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Joint Pain & Swelling
Inflammation can act as a signal to the brain to feel pain. One way to reduce those pain signals is to ingest more healthy fats and introduce a gentle movement routine to keep the joints from locking up.
Find Your Root Cause

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Brain Fog
Reduced mental clarity can greatly impact quality of daily life and make it difficult to execute tasks, think quickly, and function without easily forgetting details. Supporting the gut-brain barrier with anti-inflammatory foods, practicing mindful eating, and hydrating adequately can reduce or eliminate brain fog.
Find Your Root Cause

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Digestive Discomfort
Often a sign that your body is not breaking down food efficiently or easily, digestive issues can be addressed by simply chewing your food more and consuming digestive aids like ginger to support stomach acid production.
Find Your Root Cause

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Unexplained Weight Gain
Symptoms are a mechanism for our body to communicate with us, sharing that something is out of balance. Unexplained weight gain or loss can be a key indicator of hormonal imbalances in the body. Following a foundational diet that supports reseting and getting to the root cause of these imbalances is key for supporting long term hormonal health, as well as optimal weight for your body.
Find Your Root Cause

Symptoms We Help Alleviate

Experiencing headaches is a way our body is trying to share that something is out of balance. Supporting optimal hydration and achieving therapeutic vitamin and mineral levels can help alleviate headaches and replenish nutrient stores in the body.
Find Your Root Cause

Conditions We Support

We’ve helped thousand feel relief within weeks of becoming a member. Ready to join?
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Symptoms We Help Alleviate
Brain Fog
Digestive Discomfort
Joint Pain + Swelling
Numbness or Tingling in Hands or Feet
Rashes + Skin Issues
Recurrent Infections
Unexplained Weight Gain
Brain Fog
Digestive Discomfort
Joint Pain + Swelling
Numbness or Tingling in Hands or Feet
Rashes + Skin Issues
Recurrent Infections
Unexplained Weight Gain

What To Expect When You Join

Set Your Baseline
Complete our comprehensive health assessment and our Root Cause panel to establish your baseline and determine your healing foundations
Priority level
Blood Sugar
Meet Your Care Team
Get paired with a practitioner who shares your lived experience
Registered Dietitian
Receive Ongoing Support
Meet with your Care Team for 1:1 video sessions and message them anytime
My doctor prescribed antibiotics, should I stop taking the probiotics you recommended until I finish them?
No need to stop, but you’ll want to space the probiotics out from the antibiotics by a few hours. Continuing the probiotics should aid in your recovery and reduce any negative impacts on your microbiome that the antibiotics might cause.

Evaluate & Elevate Your Autoimmune Care

Frustrated by your current autoimmune care and unsure if WellTheory is right for you? Learn how our personalized approach can reduce your symptoms and help you feel like you again.
Take the Quiz
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work with individuals who share my diagnosis or symptoms?
Yes. We specialize in helping anyone with autoimmune disease or autoimmune-like symptoms on their healing journey. You can learn more about the conditions we support here.
How long do members typically work with their Care Team?
Most members work with us for 6-12 months. This time period is long enough for most members to experience meaningful symptom reduction and build their knowledge and tools for managing their autoimmune condition(s) in the long term.
Can I pay for my membership with HSA or FSA dollars?
Yes you can. We accept payment from HSAs and FSAs using debit or credit cards. Typically, your HSA or FSA will contact you to request a Letter of Medical Necessity, which you will need to obtain from your healthcare provider.
Can you order labs or advanced testing for me?
Yes. We offer a range of testing, including gut microbiome analysis, food sensitivities, hormone panels, heavy metals, and environmental toxins. Our Care Team will work with you to determine which tests are recommended based on your symptoms and health goals. Testing is optional and is not included in the membership.
Learn more about our lab tests.
Can I change practitioners if it’s not a good fit?
Yes. Finding a practitioner you trust is crucial to healing. While members rarely feel the need to switch practitioners, we’ll work with you to connect you with the best possible match for you.
How do I get started?
Click here to sign up for a membership. You’ll be paired with your Care Team, complete our intake process, and get a personalized Care Plan to support your healing. If you're not happy in your first 30 days, we'll refund your money—no questions asked.
What happens after my program? Do I get to keep access?
Yes, after members graduate from 1:1 coaching, they’ll be able to keep access to their app, symptom trackers, journals, curriculum content, and full access to our online community & special events. The only difference will be they will no longer have coaching sessions.
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Conventional Healthcare Isn’t Cutting It

It typically takes women 5 years to receive their autoimmune diagnosis.1
And the average primary care visit — lasts 18 minutes.2
Try Something Better
1 Marshall, Amy Sarah. “The Detective Work of Autoimmune Disease.” Healthy Balance, UVA Health, 12 May 2021,
2 Neprash, Hannah T. PhD*; Everhart, Alexander BA*; McAlpine, Donna PhD*; Smith, Laura Barrie PhD†; Sheridan, Bethany PhD‡; Cross, Dori A. PhD*. Measuring Primary Care Exam Length Using
Electronic Health Record Data. Medical Care 59(1):p 62-66, January 2021. | DOI: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001450