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January 28, 2025

What's That Fuzzy Feeling In Your Head? 7 Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

Ever experienced a strange fuzziness in your head and wondered if it’s normal? Here are the 7 warning signs of brain fog you shouldn’t ignore.
Medically Reviewed
Written by
Taylor Foster
Medically Reviewed by
Betty Murray

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Have you ever experienced the feeling of brain fog, where you could barely remember anything, or you found it hard to concentrate on a task? If your answer is yes, you’re not alone. Brain fog is an underrated problem, and many people suffer from it. These weird feelings can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, or lifestyle. This article will explore what brain fog is, the possible causes, and 7 warning signs that you shouldn’t ignore that fuzzy feeling in your head. 

What Is Brain Fog?

Brain fog, also referred to as cognitive dysfunction or mental fatigue, describes a collection of symptoms, including:

  • forgetfulness
  • confusion
  • difficulty focusing 
  • lack of alertness
  • slow information processing
  • reduced mental clarity

People with brain fog report feeling mentally dull and drained, as though they are walking through a mental haze or fog, due to lack of proper cognitive function. They may find themselves unable to recall familiar names or words, wondering what they walked into the kitchen for, or even struggling to remember recent events or new information, making it challenging to complete routine tasks efficiently. (Source)

Possible Causes of Brain Fog

Many underlying conditions could contribute to brain fog, but inflammation is a driving factor. Some possible causes of poor cognitive function may be contributed to:

Those with autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, or fibromyalgia are more apt to experience these weird feelings of brain fog due to their immune response. (Source, Source)

7 Signs of Brain Fog You Should Not Ignore

Though mental fuzziness is a common condition, it may be accompanied by severe symptoms that should not be ignored. Brain fog can have a number of negative consequences for your health and well-being, and some symptoms could be indicators of deeper health issues. It’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms of brain fog so that it can be properly addressed and managed. Read on to explore the 7 warning signs of brain fog that you should not ignore.

1. Trouble Concentrating

One of the most prominent signs of brain fog is difficulty concentrating. If you find yourself struggling to focus on tasks or constantly losing track of what you’re doing, you may be experiencing this frustrating condition. Ignoring trouble concentrating as a symptom of brain fog can be detrimental to your overall health and well-being, so don’t overlook it or take it for granted. From making it harder to work or study to causing problems in relationships due to lack of focus and attention, ignoring this symptom could lead to further issues such as fatigue and stress. (Source)

2. Fatigue

Brain fog often goes hand in hand with fatigue. If you’re constantly tired and have trouble finding the energy to get through the day, brain fog could be the culprit. When you are dealing with fatigue, it can be hard to focus and concentrate on tasks throughout the day. You may struggle to remember information or complete tasks that normally you could accomplish easily. This draining fatigue may also affect your moods and emotions, interfering with your everyday life. Fatigue is also a non-specific symptom of a number of medical conditions, so be sure to let your health care provider know if you have fatigue that is never relieved with rest. (Source, Source)

3. Memory Loss

Another major sign of brain fog is memory loss. If you find yourself struggling to remember things you used to recall with ease, such as names, dates, or important details, it may be time to seek medical attention. These memory lapses may be a symptom of an underlying thyroid disorder, a virus, blood sugar dysregulation, disease, or come as a result of using certain medications. Memory loss is an important symptom of brain fog to take seriously, as it can have a significant impact on your overall mental and physical health. (Source)

lady sleeping with head on arm

4. Headaches

Headaches are a common symptom of brain fog but may also be triggered by stress, under-sleeping, not eating well, and poor lifestyle habits in general that do not promote good health. Ignoring headaches as a symptom of brain fog can have serious consequences, including prolonged fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and increased anxiety. It’s also possible for brain fog to be part of the aftermath of a migraine headache, so you may want to consult with a health care provider if you find yourself feeling fuzzy after headaches. And of course, get medical care right away if you experience a sudden, severe headache, an unusual headache accompanied by other symptoms of illness, or pain after a head injury. (Source, Source)

5. Anxiety and Depression

Brain fog can lead to increased anxiety and depression. If you’re feeling down more often than not and it’s interfering with daily life but you can’t pinpoint a reason, brain fog could be to blame. Anxiety and depression can have a major effect on your life, often leading to feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, and decreased motivation, as well as symptoms such as fatigue and difficulty concentrating. If you’re experiencing prolonged depression and anxiety you may find it hard to reach out for help, but it’s critical for your well-being that you do so. (Source)

6. Trouble Sleeping

Brain fog can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep, and wIthout adequate nighttime rest your brain will not have the mechanisms it needs to stay sharp. If you’re waking up frequently during the night or having trouble getting to sleep in the first place, it could be a sign of brain fog. Poor quality of sleep is known to cause disruptions in the body's natural circadian rhythms and can lead to impaired cognitive functioning and other mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, too. If you are struggling to get good rest, it’s important to get to the root of the issue to find relief. (Source)

7. Loss of Motivation

Finally, brain fog can lead to a loss of motivation. Feeling sluggish and foggy and not being able to process thoughts and ideas efficiently may not only make you feel stuck mentally, but physically as well. This kind of mental fatigue is common in those with chronic fatigue syndrome, but loss of motivation is one of the most common and distressing symptoms of brain fog sufferers in general. It can lead to decreased productivity, difficulty completing tasks, and a lack of pleasure in activities that were once enjoyable. If you’re finding it difficult to get excited about things you used to love, or are having trouble finding the energy to pursue your goals, it may be time to address your brain fog. (Source)

Strategies for Alleviating Brain Fog

Fortunately, there are many strategies and lifestyle adjustments that can help alleviate the symptoms of brain fog and provide the mental clarity you need to improve your quality of life. There are no specific medications or treatments for brain fog, but making the following small diet and lifestyle changes may help alleviate brain fog in the long run by reducing inflammation and strengthening your immune system.


Getting the proper number of hours of sleep each night is important to avoiding that fuzzy feeling, but catching a short afternoon nap doesn’t hurt either. Research shows that resting for a short period of time (90 minutes or less) in the afternoon can boost your cognitive performance and function. (Source)

Stress Management

Learning to manage your stress is beneficial for both your mental and physical health, but can be especially useful in reducing brain fog. Being in a state of chronic stress can lead to high levels of inflammation from the excessive release of stress hormones, which will eventually result in burn out. Simple daily routines of yoga or deep breathing exercises can help you relax and clear your head to prevent feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks. (Source)

Proper Nutrition

Reducing your inflammatory load from within via dietary means can increase your mental clarity. Avoiding processed foods and choosing anti-inflammatory whole foods full of vitamins and minerals instead will help prevent nutritional deficiencies, systemic inflammation, and disease. Avoid or limit alcohol and caffeine, both of which can further impair your mental clarity. (Source)

person lifting a glass of water off a glass surface


Your body is made up of about 60% water, and without adequate water intake you risk dehydration, especially on hot and humid days. Drinking water will increase your mental alertness and function, concentration, and short-term memory retention, too. (Source)


Adding movement into your daily repertoire may help alleviate that fuzzy feeling. Regular physical exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of developing brain fog. (Source)


Overloading yourself with excess tasks can lead to brain fog as your mind struggles to process too much information at once. Try breaking tasks into small pieces — and avoid multitasking — to help yourself focus better and avoid mental overload. Take time to slow down mentally and physically to be more productive while refreshing cognitive function. (Source)

When to Seek Help for Brain Fog

Brain fog is common and often a temporary issue. However, it could be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. If you experience brain fog regularly, and insufficient sleep or fatigue is likely not the main cause, there could be lurking issues that are at the root of your fuzzy thinking. If your mental fatigue interferes with your daily routine or is accompanied by other symptoms, it may be time to reach out to your health care provider for brain health support. 

The Bottom Line 

Brain fog can be caused by a variety of factors, including life stressors, poor nutrition, and underlying medical conditions, but trying out some lifestyle changes such as getting enough sleep, exercising, eating well, and reducing your stress may help relieve symptoms. With the right strategies, you can regain your mental clarity and stop living in a haze.

If you’re experiencing the cognitive symptoms of brain fog, the Nutritional Therapy Practitioners at WellTheory can help you take the guesswork out of your diet while providing hands-on guidance to help you think clearer. With our WellTheory 1-1 coaching membership you can receive a personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan to support your needs.

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What's That Fuzzy Feeling In Your Head? 7 Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

Ever experienced a strange fuzziness in your head and wondered if it’s normal? Here are the 7 warning signs of brain fog you shouldn’t ignore.
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What's That Fuzzy Feeling In Your Head? 7 Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

Ever experienced a strange fuzziness in your head and wondered if it’s normal? Here are the 7 warning signs of brain fog you shouldn’t ignore.
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